Accelerate your amazing results with this optimized nutritional, supplement and exercise program.
First: Determine how many calories you are using each day with this online Basic Metabolic Rate calculator. It will determine how many calories your body consumes each day with no exercise.
Second: Determine how many calories you are using each day for various types of
exercise you can do. This simple calculator measures the calories consumed by virtually
Third: Determine how many calories you consume each day with this food and portion
imply look at the various nutritional labels on things you consume. Finally: Simply total the amount of calories you consume in food daily, then subtract the total amount of calories you use while at rest (BMR) and through exercise each day. If the difference is a negative number you are losing weight. If the number is positive, you will gain weight. About 3,500 calories are equal to one pound of body weight, so by cutting 500 calories a day (a total of 3,500 calories a per week) and otherwise eating a balanced diet, you will find that you will lose approximately a pound a week. Ultimately it is simply a mathematical formula that you can manipulate to achieve your goals. To help with your fat loss goals there are some well documented strategies that will help accelerate your metabolism so that your body will naturally burn more calories.
Divide your meals into a total of 5 smaller portions, 3 smaller basic meals with 2
intermediate snacks throughout the day. According to Leslie Bonci, R.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Eating the same calories spread out over smaller meals five to six times during the day will raise the body’s thermic effect, resulting in 10% more calories being burned, Physiologically, it does make sense: “When you eat regularly throughout the day, your body knows that more food is on the way, and it’s more likely to burn the calories you consume than store them as fat”
1. Protein (8–12 servings per day)
Depending on the intensity and frequency of your workouts, your protein needs could be up
to double those of the average woman (up to 1.6 grams per kilo, or about 0.75 grams per
pound). That, combined with protein’s appetite-suppressing effects, makes it absolutely
essential for active women. The key is to distribute your protein evenly throughout your day
to make sure you are always building up, not tearing down, muscle.
1 serving = 10 g protein or about 1 1/2 oz lean meat, 10 oz milk or soy beverage, 3/4 cup
yogurt, 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 2 egg whites or 2 oz tofu
2. Non-Starchy Vegetables (5–7 servings per day)
As the foundation of any healthy diet, non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, asparagus,
cauliflower, onions and bok choy are fiber-rich, low-calorie disease fighters that will keep
you both healthy and lean. Aim to include at least a handful of veggies at both lunch and
dinner each day, and emphasize a variety of colors to give your diet a broad spectrum of
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw, leafy greens
3. Whole Grains And Starchy Vegetables (2–6 servings per day)
A key source of carbohydrates to fuel your workouts, your whole-grain and starchy
vegetable needs will vary with your training. If you are going heavy on cardio, or you’re
involved in endurance sports, you’ll probably want to include foods like oatmeal, quinoa and
sweet potatoes at each meal. If you’re trying to shed weight before competition, or focusing
on weight training more than cardio, then you can bring your intake down a few notches.
1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked grain, sweet potato, squash, etc., or 1 oz cereal or oatmeal
store them as fat.”
4. Fruits (2–4 servings per day)
Often thought of as a nutritional no-no because of the sugar content, most fruit actually has
a limited impact on blood glucose (sugar) levels, and the fiber and antioxidants are tough to
beat. On top of that, research suggests that consuming foods high in water (like fruits,
veggies, soups, and yogurt) can help you to feel more full, contributing to weight loss over
time. Be sure to focus on whole fruits, rather than juice, whenever possible.
1 serving = 1 fist-sized piece of fruit
5. Healthy Fats (2–4 servings per day)
Still underappreciated after all these years, healthy fats like olive oil, ground flaxseeds,
avocadoes and pumpkin seeds are critical for maintaining a healthy metabolism, fighting
belly fat and preventing heart disease. Whether it’s olive oil on your salad at dinner, or a
handful of almonds mid-afternoon, try to include a source of healthy fats at most meals and
1 serving = 2 tsp oil, 1/4 avocado, 2 tbsp nuts or 4 tsp seeds)
6. Supplements (1–3 servings per day)
With mounting evidence that high doses of some vitamins might not be good for everyone,
it’s important to evaluate your supplement routine carefully. For most, a daily dose of
immune system- boosting vitamin D makes good sense, since the sun is simply too weak
most of the year to produce it naturally in our skin, and food sources are scarce. Beyond D,
fish oil supplements are valuable for heart and brain health, and to control inflammation in
your hard-working joints, while protein supplements such as whey, casein or soy protein
powder can boost muscle recovery.
7. Refined Carbohydrates (1 serving per day)
While it might be easy to consider these foods as off limits, refined carbs can be helpful
during recovery, or right before a workout if you’re running low on fuel. If you do include
them in your diet, try to make healthier choices more often, like fig bars, banana bread, or
dark chocolate, versus the junky stuff (think: soda) that is virtually nutrient.
For additional information about your cosmetic surgery journey Body Harmony Medical Tourism Colombia is here to assist. Our mission is to help clients realize that there are many things to consider when embarking on the journey to true body harmony and that all things needs to be considered to not only achieve the most effective results but a practical and safe approach is the best method for long lasting results.
Esteban williams
Body Harmony
U.S. Patients: (201) 887-6111
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